"Say what I want, Say what I feel"

Sunday, January 31, 2010

The Bright Moon Tonight...

I was taking CT8 home from Chinatown when I saw this big bright moon in the sky. I was staring at it. I was thinking,are you also looking at the moon I am looking at now? What are you thinking now? Looking at the beautiful moon alone can be so sad.


Chinatown is so boring or maybe I am having the wrong mind. Not alot of people everywhere. Wanted to snap a few photos to put inside Facebook also can find nice things to snap.
Don't really have the mood for CNY this year. So lonely,so dark in my world. This is going to my 8th lonely CNY.


Something is wrong with my blog. My blog page cannot be loaded and give the same error. Nothing wrong with the template. Lets wait till tomorrow then see what happens.
You are not online today.Miss you again.

Thank You People...

Thank you people for wishing me well on my birthday. Thank you everyone,lovya lots! Didn't really expect you people will wish me on my birthday. That's a special one. Thank you.

Promised to be a happy man for 1 day and I did it,just 1 day. Not many things happen within the last 30 days but just 1 thing. Just 1 thing which almost destroyed my whole life. Actually it was already like destroyed here and there. Thank you MDC,thank you everyone for keeping me accompany during these dark days. Your presence really made a big difference. Especially Melissa,Jayare and Melvin.

To think back,maybe just 1 simple message from someone would make that day a even happier day.

Greeting from:
From 23SA
From Guangyang
From Singapore Polytechnic
From ITE Dover
From Arts Theatre of Singapore
From Relatives
From DotaPod
From BMTC Hawk Coy
From Redifussion
From Drama Camp 2001-2004
From Singapore Polytechnic, Machine Development Centre

(hope I don't miss out anyone)

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Body Aching...

All parts of the body is aching. Yesterday, I have been running all around the school since 10am till like 5.30pm. MCD,T1A,SPCARE,Innovillage. I have replace walk with jog and runs throughout. No wonder I can pass my IPPT with silver timing. My first IPPT timing was like 15mins+,reduced to the last 11mins 56 secs.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Update 26/01/10....

Benjamin Tan "Happy birthday" via SMS @ 11:48

Candy Tan "Happy __ Birthday" via SMS @ 19:37

Kai Ling "Hey happy birthday before today ends may all your dream come true!" via sms @ 23:50

JJ "(picture message)" via SMS @ 27/01 16:59

Lim Wai Yee "Happy Birthday" via Blogspot.com @ 11.47pm

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


<<其实,我也是想好好的爱我爱的人. 照顾爱护我爱的人.
<<我的心好痛. 绝望.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Facebook 26/01/10...

Find Your Name!

Jack Tan Happy Birthday!!!wish u forever 18 yrs old =P
January 26 at 11:45pm ·

Ching Zai Ting Happy Birthday! (: January 26 at 11:39pm

Fong Chian Goh January 26 at 11:51pm
Hey JunQin, Happy Birthday!!! May all your wishes come true!Cheers, FC

Celia 苗菁Chee January 26 at 2:53am
happy birthday :)

Marwin Miñoza January 26 at 6:04pm
hahahahappy birthday bakuro chan...hehehe

Poon Fengjiao happi birthday to u!
3 minutes ago · Comment ·LikeUnlike · See Wall-to-Wall

Soh Fia Happy Birthday!!
45 minutes ago · Comment ·LikeUnlike · See Wall-to-Wall

Ed Lyn 生日快了!
about an hour ago · Comment ·LikeUnlike · See Wall-to-Wall

Kenneth Chan happy bday duz!
2 hours ago · Comment ·LikeUnlike · See Wall-to-Wall

Tajuddin Bin Azmi happy birthday, my props manager!*throws a styrofoam tombstone your way*
3 hours ago · Comment ·LikeUnlike · See Wall-to-Wall

Firdaus Hashim Happy Birthday to you uncle!
4 hours ago · Comment ·LikeUnlike · See Wall-to-Wall

'Zavus Rage Happy B-day BakuroxD
4 hours ago · Comment ·LikeUnlike · See Wall-to-Wall

5 hours ago · Comment ·LikeUnlike · See Wall-to-Wall

Valerie TheStrange Hey You! Happy Birthday! =)
5 hours ago · Comment ·LikeUnlike · See Wall-to-Wall

Vinz Lim Happy birthday Ah Du!cheer up!pat pat
6 hours ago · Comment ·LikeUnlike · See Wall-to-Wall

Melissa Tham Happy bird day!
6 hours ago · Comment ·LikeUnlike · See Wall-to-Wall

Ching Zai Cheng Happy birthday !
7 hours ago via Facebook for iPhone · Comment ·LikeUnlike · See Wall-to-Wall

Darren Huang happy birthday ah du~~~!
8 hours ago · Comment ·LikeUnlike · See Wall-to-Wall

Han Shiyan happy birthday!!! =)
8 hours ago · Comment ·LikeUnlike · See Wall-to-Wall

Foo Ce Yu happy birthday!
12 hours ago · Comment ·LikeUnlike · See Wall-to-Wall

Cheryl Desiree Chan Happy birthday!
12 hours ago · Comment ·LikeUnlike · See Wall-to-Wall

12 hours ago · Comment ·LikeUnlike · See Wall-to-Wall

Egena Fu Shaowen Happy Birthday Liao~
13 hours ago via Facebook for iPhone · Comment ·LikeUnlike · See Wall-to-Wall

Sp Smae Happy Bithday to u =)
13 hours ago · Comment ·LikeUnlike · See Wall-to-Wall

Liao Jun Wei happy birthday bro!.. haha..
21 hours ago · Comment ·LikeUnlike · See Wall-to-Wall

Alyssa Tashi happppy birthday!!!!!!
21 hours ago · Comment ·LikeUnlike · See Wall-to-Wall

Jum Tan Zijie yo man! happy birthday :D
21 hours ago · Comment ·LikeUnlike · See Wall-to-Wall

June Lee hey happy bdae to u . may ur bdae wishes come true =)
21 hours ago · Comment ·LikeUnlike · See Wall-to-Wall

Doris 琳琳 happy b'dae.. =)
21 hours ago · Comment ·LikeUnlike · See Wall-to-Wall

Janice Ho Happy Birthday to you...
21 hours ago · Comment ·LikeUnlike · See Wall-to-Wall

YongQiang Liew Ah du! happy birthday! enjoy your day!!
22 hours ago · Comment ·LikeUnlike · See Wall-to-Wall

Rt Leong happy bday :D
22 hours ago · Comment ·LikeUnlike · See Wall-to-Wall

Ranie Pang Happy Birthday :D
22 hours ago · Comment ·LikeUnlike · See Wall-to-Wall

Birthday 2010...

Oh great! Another year older, more pressure coming up.
Alot of things to be done in office today as the disscussion will be held this coming Friday. Printing of papers, preparing guest list and logistics.
Peter came down today to MDC with a cake. But I still don't have any mood to celebrate anything seriously. I was at Mdm Ho's lab that time sorting the door gift when he sms-ed me. Didn't know Peter bought a cake,if not I will stop what I was doing and head back to MDC. Went back to take photo, cut cake and eat. Thanks to Peter,if not the whole MDC no people will know that is is my birthday. It have been many years since I last know what is a birthday cake. I always wish I could cut a cake with the one I loved.
After cutting the cake, all work is more or less suspended till tomorrow. I have to entertain Peter you see,he came all the way down to MDC just to celebrate my birthday for me.
Another mixed feeling for the day.

Birthday wishes :
1) I want to take back my birthday wish 10 years ago.
2) I want to leave my fairytale world and return to normal life
3) ...
Althought I clearly know, 3th wish will never be fulfil. But anyway, I still made the wish. *pray*

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Passed IPPT...

Finally pass IPPT for the year. Last chance somemore before window close on 25 Jan. $100 into my pocket! (Supposed to be $200 for Silver)Super power result today. 2.4km took 11mins 56secs, SBJ 5 points! Am I getting younger again? Please...I want to grow up!

Chinese Wedding...

So? Have he reached your house? I think so because is already 8am. You are happy but I am still not very ok. My life to blame, cannot blame anyone else.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Lost Yet Again...

Just ended Gems lesson at T16. Reflection for today so far. I am totally lost, lost in this yet again dark world. My light is gone. I don't know what I want now,I don't know what I am thinking now. I am seriously lost, where is the light which is always there to guide my path.Please come back... -lost-

这就是爱吗 容祖儿 ...








Thank you June again. You are the best. I will try. But seriously is not easy.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Profound Chinese Phrase...


非淡泊无以明志,非宁静无以致远。”出自诸葛亮54岁时写给他8岁儿子诸葛瞻的《诫子书》。 意思为:不追求名利,生活简单朴素,才能显示出自己的志趣;不追求热闹,心境安宁清静,才能达到远大目标。也就是说人只有先看淡了名利,思想才能升华,从而发现自己真正的人生目标.也只有在清静之中去思索,才能达到自己的目标.

June,I didn't know you are so into chinese. I still have to baidu it then I know what it means. I can't believe that a girl of her age can understand or even write something anywhere near it. You are incredible!

SPRING Singapore...

SPRING Singapore is the enterprise development agency for growing innovative companies and fostering a competitive SME sector. We work with partners to help enterprises in financing, capabilities and management development, technology and innovation, and access to markets. As the national standards and accreditation body, SPRING also develops and promotes internationally-recognised standards and quality assurance to enhance competitiveness and facilitate trade.

Today went there with Mr Steven Tan and 2 other staff from PACE,Mr Nah. Mr Tan drove today,first time see him drive. We reach there too early and that room was not open,so we just hang around nearby.
At 3.50pm,the door was opened and we went in. Mr Tan start to prepare his computer for presentation. And the 3 of us just stand behind and chat. Then to my shock! A bangala came in! And his name was Pradeep! He never came with us so I thought he is not coming for good but he was there no matter what. He is making a joke over there to me,maybe he don't realise it. All of us was like formally dressed but he was like... jeans and tshirt and a bag. Totally Bangala. I told Mr Nah and the other guy that he was Pradeep,a student under Steven Tan too. They simply gave him a hi with smile and ignore him all the way. Cause how he wear is OMG! I don't really dare to look at him all the while during the presentation. Thank god he is sitting 1 chair away from us, nothing to associate with the name SP. Thank god again he never speak to us too.
Yah, the first thing he came into the room he asked me, "ai,I didn't know you are coming too!" I was like DUH!
After that we speak to the NYP representative, I was introduced as a staff and not a final year student. I am a CET Supporting Officer. Pradeep was standing behind me if I am not wrong. I really don't know what he was thinking at that point of time. I think he wanted to chip in to talk but yah...you know ---> Bangala... LOL! So, he stand behind to stone bah. AND YAH! He put his bag on the floor in front of the chair where we all put it on the chair itself! We were seriously talking about serious stuff you see. The NYP representative shaked my hand and pass me his namecard. He was the Deputy Director of School of Manufacturing under Projects. Another thing might be, if he want to chip in he might not know what we are talking about,he will be lost of word at any point of time and paiseh himself. I really don't know his reactions that time. Must be damn funny
Next let's talk about the powerpoint slide. Pradeep hae been tasked to do the powerpoint slide for presentation since the moment he step into CET,and Mr Tan NEVER use it! When I see the first white colour slide I know already. I was like crazy, wanted to laugh loudly rolling on the floor. But too bad,I can only laugh inside my heart. I know,"am chio tio lai xiong" but I really can do that only!
After NYP,SP and SPRING presented the courses offered, its A&Q session. The 2 staff from PACE and I was introduced as SP staff who is able to answer any question asked. But Pradeep was..... still considered a Bangala looking for course to upgrade bah. I don't know how he feel that time,I didn't even dare to look at him all the while. I dropped my iTouch once during the presentation,he wanted to pick for me but I quickly bend down and take. xD Mr Tan answered all the question being asked and we were the supporting staff for him.
Next is the refreshment time where we everyone will be interacting with each other. Mr Tan was entertaining another company when another company representative is having some queries came forward. I alert Mr Nah and we both try to answer the question they may have. Pradeep finally decide to speak! But as he tries to speak,it seems like he knows nothing and decide to shut up. And I was doing the talking. Lucky I did do my homework in the morning, if not I wouldn't know how to answer that question too. Mr Nah is not sure about it, but I answered it in front of PRADEEP confidently! What is his reaction? I don't know...
He keep following behind me and I was abit like pissed of at times but it was quite fun to have a Bangala as your assistant you see.
After we are done to clear the doubts of the others,we went out to take the refreshment. Pradeep was again stalking. Mr Tan asked me to take the food but I really don't remember he asked Pradeep to do it. Pradeep tried to talk to me but I ignored. OH YAH!!!!! Something I forget to mention. After Winnie announced that the refreshment was outside,all of us stood up. Pradeep told me, he can do the powerpoint better than NYP and SPRING and he was saying until like... (aiya,I don't know what word to use here). I seriously almost wanted to ROFL. But I kept my cool, I am a proud represtative of SP.
After food and drink went into our stomach,the 2 staff from PACE went off first because they still have to go back to school. Pradeep and I left too shortly. We met the 2 staff downstairs as they were waiting for taxi. I was telling them that it might be better to wait at the roadside rather then SPRING entrance. Pradeep and me continue to walk to the red light. I was waiting for him to ask me how am I going back. I was preparing like,if he goes left I will go right and it really happen. At this time,the taxi which the 2 staff took drove past us. I am not sure again if they only wave to me to both of us,I assumed waving to me because is only 1 direction they are waving.
When I was walking to the Bukit Merah interchange, I was smiling all the way. It really took away all the sad things happened this past month away for the while. On the bus,I am so happy that I even sms-ed Melissa and told her I am so happy! I am seriously happy.
Pradeep,what are you thinking about when you say you want to come for this presentation. You serve what for the purpose? You come here trying to 拍马屁issit? Expected lah!


Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Failed IPPT...

Damn sad,failed by 5sec for the 2.4km run. If not I will pass already. Now again must book another slot to take IPPT. Window closing on 25 Jan!

Friday, January 15, 2010

The Andy Prank...

This is real funny. You must be thinking Andy came up with a idea to prank someone right? You are wrong. We locked Andy inside the colour printer room where there is only 1 access into that room. I got no idea what they will do after he was locked in there. The plan was like supposed to be like locked Andy in that room,then called a few more people from other department for help to grab him and tie him to a chair,as what he did to JR that day.

But everything went wrong. LOL! Sherman and gang arrive for reinforcement, but at this point of time. Andy hold up a fire extinguisher and spray! There are 3 types of extingusher --> CO2,compressed water and dry powder. Where dry powder is the messiest type. ANDY WAS HOLDING THE DRY POWDER TYPE TO SPRAY! I was doing some printing at that point of time so I missed that part. When I return,the office was rather smoky. I was told is CO2 but the smell don't smoke CO2.Then I saw the powder in the printing room. Is dry powder lah!

Then everyone flee the scene. The whole of Logistic side and me quickly trying to clear the mess as soon as possible. Before Leong come in and see that.

Andy,we will not do it again.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Roundtable Discussion @ SP...

Damn sad today,out of 80 letters I sent since Tuesday. 17 replied but only 9 coming. Target is 60 people. Initially,I never thought it is so difficult. And now I also realised, people also don't give a damn to this 2 words "Singapore Polytechnic" which is Singapore oldest and famous insitution.
More letters to sent tomorrow. 2nd wave of letters already sent and I don't think will hit target. Hate sourcing. And yah,thank you Mdm Ho. You are the most effecient so far in the office! And that is true! Everything I asked you for help is already settled. Now back to the target 60.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Thank you Pradeep.
Now I can confirm what kind of a person you are. Thank you again for taking away my memories for the past few months due to your selfishness and ignorance.
If you are still able to recall what I wrote in the blog for you. I think it is really time for you to think about it. Seriously,I am not joking.