"Say what I want, Say what I feel"

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Birthday 2010...

Oh great! Another year older, more pressure coming up.
Alot of things to be done in office today as the disscussion will be held this coming Friday. Printing of papers, preparing guest list and logistics.
Peter came down today to MDC with a cake. But I still don't have any mood to celebrate anything seriously. I was at Mdm Ho's lab that time sorting the door gift when he sms-ed me. Didn't know Peter bought a cake,if not I will stop what I was doing and head back to MDC. Went back to take photo, cut cake and eat. Thanks to Peter,if not the whole MDC no people will know that is is my birthday. It have been many years since I last know what is a birthday cake. I always wish I could cut a cake with the one I loved.
After cutting the cake, all work is more or less suspended till tomorrow. I have to entertain Peter you see,he came all the way down to MDC just to celebrate my birthday for me.
Another mixed feeling for the day.

Birthday wishes :
1) I want to take back my birthday wish 10 years ago.
2) I want to leave my fairytale world and return to normal life
3) ...
Althought I clearly know, 3th wish will never be fulfil. But anyway, I still made the wish. *pray*