"Say what I want, Say what I feel"

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Real Busy Day...

Today is by far the real busy day. Whole day I have been troubleshooting how to pair the remote control for the exCite Tv. Some days ago,I did try to troubleshoot how come it cannot be paired. And only until today I realised the big big mistake I never take note. Why I didn't thought of that the remote control battery is weak? Until today WeiKiong ask me than I thought of it. After changing the battery, everything works. If not the news that the Management is coming for inspection,I didn't even thought of touching it at all after I failed that day.
But there is still a problem which I don't dare to comment as I really don't know if it is really the software problem. Wait for tomorrow I check with my office.
While I am doing the troubleshooting,so many customer came to me to ask for the technical issues they are having and they might have. Today is really a exciting day to comment!