"Say what I want, Say what I feel"

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Interview Number 2...

This is the second interview of the week. Singapore Oriental Motor. Ok, I heard about this company before. Jerome also told me that we have purchased motors from them too. Not a very far from my house company - Kaki Bukit.
Just in time I reach. I thought is 2.30pm but it was 2pm. I rushed out of my house forgeting this forgeting that. On my way out I am still like thinking what transports will I be taking. This is more exciting than yesterday. Just nice got there at 2pm SHARP!
I was asked to fill in a form and wait for the interviewer to arrive. Before I could finished the form they already arrive and was waiting for me. I seriously hate to fill job application forms. It is so long! Can't they like refer to my portfolio and resume?
There are 2 interviewer this time and both are very friendly. We were happlily chatting and I was explaining to them what I work as previously and what I have been doning in the school. Then Mr Charles Lim asked,"So you know Mr Soon?" Then I was like erm...ok,he knows one of the MDC staff. Then I reply yes. Next he start to like point out everyone he knows in MDC than I was like OMG! Lucky I didn't say anything which I did not do in MDC to them. If not I will be like confirm gg.
Ask I left the place,I quickly tried to contact Mr Soon as Mr Charles said that he will call Mr Soon to ask more about me. This is the worry part, I did work with Mr Soon but not that much. Wondering how will their chat be like. I culdn't find Mr Soon so I contacted Mr Steven Tan to let him know about it.
I really wish to join this company. If I join this company I will have more things to talk you see.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Interview Number 1...

Today went for the frst interview at ShowaDenko. ShowaDenko was a harddisk manufacturer based in Japan. I applied for a Engineering Assistant Trainer. Jobscope will be like giving training to the workers. And implement new routines or whatever related.
Have to wave up early to get to ShowaDenko which is located in Jurong. It is really quite far to me. Ok,finding way to there is not really that difficult. But the main gate is directly oppsite the main road where I came from and the factory itself is not that small. I have to walk all the way under the sun.
Interesting place to go to because it is the first time I get to see this tight security in a industrial factory. You need like 5 minutes to go throught the security gate.
I was ask to take a seat at the corner near the security as that is the furthest I can go and wait for my interviewer to get me. Another like 15mins of waiting blankly and finally someone came to get me. Again! Ask me to wait while she go get the interviewer.
Into the interview room,there are 2 person a chinese and a malay. Their face don't look friendly at all. Once I get in all the so-called realife senario attacking me. What the hell loh! They doesn't even want to see my portfolio and I pack the protfolio nice nice until late last night. For this job,I seriously go find out information about cleanroom. I even went back to school to look for the lecturer who teaches this module and get the module notes and it was totally not used at all. I seriously think I wasted my time there. What kind of interview is this?
The interview ended like 10 mins only. I told Joanna about it. She said went throught the same thing too. But everyone will get something. I am thinking now,even if they want me I also wouldn't want them.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

My Mom Learning Compter...

My mom is learning how to type Chinese onto Microsoft word. She is so excited. She can type using English no problem but Chinese might e a problem because the typing logic might be a bit advance and more things to know and understand. Example.女. Do you know in Han Yu Pin Ying is not "nu" but "nű" with the 2 dot on top of the "u". In computer you cannot have such a input so u type "nv" and it will give you 女. There are more interesting for her to know. She is damn excited now. LOL. Now her main problem in Chinese I think is not how to type but identifying the Pin Ying for the words. She knows the first part but not confident of the second part where she is correct some of the time.

Online Courses...

Ok...complete 4 online courses within half a day! These 4 courses supposed to be completed in 4 days time but I complete it within half a day. Of course I am using the illegal way. For the test,there are random question. I just keep re-do the test and get the random questions and ta-da! I got 100 marks! This method I learn in SP,if not I will sure stupidly go throught the whole course.

Friday, April 23, 2010

男友 vs 老公






男朋友和哥們吃飯不會想你在幹什麼 吃飯怎麼辦;

老公和哥們吃飯會不踏實 時不時給你發資訊,一遍遍告訴你他很快就會回來


















Monday, April 19, 2010

Results for Liao Jun Qin....

At a Glance

• Does not strive to complete tasks, prepared to leave work unfinished.Detailed, meticulous and observant, quick to pick out abnormalities.

• Objective, but may appear detached.

• Quiet and reserved, prefers own company.

• Does not seek positions of power or authority.

• Sees people as nice and friendly, not comfortable to wheel and deal.

• Orderly, methodical and systematic, takes care to plan in detail.

While at Work

Mr Liao is prepared to put in hard work moderately but he may at times prefer to work at his own pace.

Mr Liao is relatively dependable to deliver results on time. He may sometimes be late in meeting deadlines.

Mr Liao initiates plans and ideas easily but may not persist with the tasks until completion. He is prepared to leave tasks unfinished; hence he may prefer short-term assignments as he is more likely to complete these tasks. He may lose interest and focus when working on long term assignments.

Mr Liao is likely to be quality-conscious and achievement-oriented. He is motivated to produce work that is of a high standard. He is observant, quick to spot errors and critical where work is concerned. He is likely to be meticulous, careful and pre-occupied with detail.

Mr Liao is an objective person who is impartial and rational. He speaks factually and often does not involve his own feelings and emotions. He may sometimes be perceived as distant or detached.

Although Mr Liao is usually a sympathetic person, he may at times be selective about being involved in the personal problems of people.

Being a shy, quiet and reserved person, Mr Liao prefers his own company and feels awkward when meeting people for the first time. In social gatherings, he tends to stay in the background.

Mr Liao selectively forms strong bonds with people although these bonds may not be very deep.

Positions of power, influence and authority are not Mr Liao's concern. He does not mind letting others assert authority over him. He is accommodating, laid back and easy-going.

Mr Liao is moderately concerned with prestige, rank and reputation.

Mr Liao sees people as friendly, reliable and honest. He is trusting and believes what people say. He tends to be unsuspecting of people.s behaviour and motives. He is uncomfortable when he has to wheel and deal.

Mr Liao's leadership qualities are moderate and he is sometimes able to get the support of people.

Mr Liao is as keen to explore abstract concepts when the topic appeals to him and he is as interested to discuss theoretical issues as the average person.

Being orderly, methodical and systematic, Mr Liao spends considerable time planning ahead and organizing activities. He ensures that programmes are scheduled properly and takes care to plan in detail. Formulating procedures and policies is his forte.

Mr Liao is generally able to express himself although not to a high degree of eloquence.

Mr Liao is generally able to tolerate some uncertainty although he would be uncomfortable if uncertainty or changes increase.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Sim Lim Square...

Yesterday went to Sim Lim Square with Jack as he wanted to buy a new computer. But before that I pulled him along with me to go to City Square Mall. I think it will be nice for me to go down to say a hi to the organisor there. Was abit lost when we reach there but eventually found the event venue and found the person which I am suppose to find. Say a few good things and yah you know. I really feel bad for not able to participate in this competition.
After that we went to eat at Mac and walk all the way to Sim Lim Square. That walk was a great walk. But if that is a girl walking along with me than maybe it is better. ^^ Told Jack alot and alot of things. Things happen here and there. Is just way too horrible.
Jack bought a computer finally at about $1600. But he is still meet his girlfriend after that. Good day for him, he have to carry the monitor and and CPU to meet his girlfriend. HAHA!

Friday, April 16, 2010

Big Headed...

Seriously my head now is very big. Tomorrow is the competition and the team members are still imcomplete. Suppose to lack of 4 now is lack of 5. I am wondering how am I going to find this 5 people. CDL that side also got no news. They told me they will be looking out for people to join too but... *shake head*
It is going to rain outside again. Feeling stressed.



Thursday, April 15, 2010

Last Tap...

The last tap of my ezlink card was at 7.59pm 15/4/10. Today will be the last day before my this card expired. So sad you know. I have been holding this card for the past 1.5 years and I am like using it every single day. So meaning from tomorrow onward I will be using the normal adult farecard. And also full adult fare. That is going to be so expensive ok!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Ah Boon's Wedding Invitation Card...

I went back to Kampong Glam CC after the briefing. Ok,there are more people there and more bigger kids willing to learn more. Mao shu was asking me if I can go back to teach at least on Friday. See first bah. I suppsoe to go back to take the invitation card but Xiong told me that he haven take the invitation card to KGCC yet. I was like...eh...ok...nvm. Sit around and look at the kids moving around that small area. Awhile later I go off as I reached there about 9.20pm and they pack up at 9.45pm. When will I be able to take the invitation card again. Oh yah,heard it will be held in HongLin CC. Still not confirm though.

Briefing for CDL Eco Competition.

Yeap,went back to school for this briefing. Ok finally getto know what this competition is all about. If not I will be like participating with knowing was going on.
12 members of the team divided into another sub 3 groups. Than each sub group taking different route with different task. Now the main team is not even confirmed yet. Omg...But I am looking forward to the big prize money. The first prize is $1800 cash and goodies. 3rd is $800 cash and goodies.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Spoilt Thumb Drive...

So sad lah... I think all my pictures from the Ugly Duckling performance @ Victoria Theatre Theatre is all gone already. I think the thumb drive I am using got error,than after repair the photos all gone. More photos other than the Ugly Duckling inside you know!

Facebook Photo Upload...

It is such a pain in the ass. I took the whole afternoon to just to upload 437 photos. It keep telling me upload fail upload fail. Than I realised that, is only part of the upload fail,not all. All you have to do is to upload from where the upload signal fail. Nevertheless,I completed the upload. Now is naming each photo and than finally I can publish the photos. Definately I will be the last to upload the photos onto the Facebook.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Bad Dream...

Dreams are unexplained most of the time. Everyone have dreams but the one I had last night is...I don't know. Ok,what I dreamt? I dream that I fail Chinese badly! For me to fail Chinese in anyway is nightmare. I remembered that there are 2 papers and 1 paper I even got 25/100. -spechless- After I work up,my neck hurts. Yah,it is injured somehow. Can't really move my head much now. -pain-

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Unknown Interview

Someone gave me a call to ask me to go for some interview. I asked where they got my number from and this person told me is from some job website. Ok,I thought will be some engineering job but he told me to wear something nice and thats all no need to bring resume and related. I asked more about it this job and the person told me that it will be some parttime job because the company is having there expanding. So I thought ok, since is parttime meaning I still got time to wait for Walta Tech.

Man U Lost...

My brother purposely stay up to see Man U win their match but Man U lost on aggregate. That was such disappointing. 6 minute into the game and Man U was already 2 up. Thought it will be another repeat of the Roma match but what a disappointment after that NOOB Rafael was sent off! No medals for Man U this season!
My poor brother is still sleeping now!