"Say what I want, Say what I feel"

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Update About Myself...

Ok,latest update about myself.

I am still as small as a kid as ever. But I have already change my job and I am much much more happier working there. I am currently working in Singtel as a FTTH installer. FTTH = Fibre To The Home. Job scope was going to customer house to install the fibre service they have subscribed, I get to see many many beautiful house. Learnt alot of things and experienced alot of different things while I am out in the field. But currently I am on another task. I am attached to Hell! Comcentre to assist the people there to answer technical questions the customer might ask as their knowledge is really the surface. In the meantime,they will try to learn as much as possible from me. That place is totally fun until date. Get to meet a few good friends from the Roamers and Hotline staff. Surprised that Ben Tan is working quite closely with the staff over there too about Sony Ericsson products. Ben Tan is my best friend in ITE Dover.

And again I am forever single. Thank you again everyone who is so "concern" about it for the past few months. Wonder why you people so "concern" while I am not so. Yah, meet a old girl friend quite sometime again. Some "interesting" feeling is being triggered. Seems like things is still going quite fine,so maybe next step can be take. Hopefully *crossed fingers*