"Say what I want, Say what I feel"

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Off Day...

WAH LAO EH! Today can sleep late de loh. I don't want take this chance at all!

Woke up at 7am and got out of house at 7.30am. Reached MDC at 8.40am. Happily login as I was considered quite early. Open the door and looking around. How come the place is so dead,not like the norm? Pradeep took my key and I couldn't get into office. I left my bag outside and settle the mails just outside the office and went in to look for Terence. I saw him in the asembly area. I was wondering why he was so shock when he and WenXin saw me. Terrence said, "今天你要来meh?". Then I understand already. Mr Leong then came forward and laughed!

Yesterday was public holiday. Today is the off day! And I still happily went to school and missed a day to sleep late.